Tuesday, April 30, 2013

6 Years Ago

                   I am doing this a day early because I have to work all day and won't actually get to see my hunny tomorrow :(! Tomorrow will be our six year wedding anniversary. CRAZINESS!!! :). Hard to believe that we have been married this long even more so after all the stupidness we have been through. I know I've said it before but our marriage outside of our kids is the MOST important thing to me. I want to make sure that we keep it fun and full of passion because once we lose that we may NEVER get it back. I want to be that couple that people look at and go wow... look at them. Friday night we are going to go on a dinner mystery train with a couple friends. I can NOT wait!! :). It's something new that we have NEVER done before and I have always wanted to do something like this hehe. I will be a picture nut! He is going to HATE me for it but oh well. He will get over it.

            Also for our anniversary every year now I want to start doing a time capsul. That way every year we will make a new one for that year and take a look back at the one from the previous year to see what is different and what is the same. I think it will be a good way for us to bond and laugh. I just hope that he keeps his mouth shut and plays along. I am hoping that one day I will have that romantic husband that I have always wanted!! haha we shall see we shall see!!! BUT... HAPPY SIX YEARS to the man of my dreams, the love of my life!! ;) Another down and so many more to come!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Growing Up

                  Where to start?! I have  been stateside since November and since then it's been a whole adjustment process. 1. With getting myself back into work. Now that I'm working I have to try and find another job because once again I will be MOVING to Orlando. 2. Getting BOTH of the girls adjusted and they seem to be doing A LOT better then me anyways! 3. David starting school and getting him to Orlando. AHHH!!! Now it's April and he's in Orlando, I'm three hours away from him working and finishing Kenzie's first year in school. (That is another story all in it's self!) I plan to move to Orlando once Kenzie is done with school but she will be doing a summer program here before we move once a week but that will not be too bad.
                    I have started working on my BIG dream! :) Let's just hope that I keep moving forward with this and do NOT talk myself out of it like I tend to do with the things that I want. I have STILL be doing foodie penpal. Yes I might have to stop because I get busy and forget. :( I feel bad for my penpals because I'm sure they think I'm a flake and I promise I am NOT I just forget what I'm doing VERY easily. I am STILL working on my marriage. Everyday regardless of how we are doing is a growing day. I want to keep my marriage PRIORITY!! I married him for a reason and plan to keep him as my husband. I do NOT want to be like so many people and lose what we have over stupid life things. NOTHING is that important to lose your marriage over. (YES I do know there are some exceptions to this but we are not there so I will NOT worry about it!)

                 I am STILL working on the 101 in 1001!!! HAHA! That made me laugh ONLY because I do NOT remember the last time I even looked at it. Well NOW is as good a time as any don't ya think?! I will keep posting and trying to get better at this again. I want to be able to look back over the years and say wow... LOOK! :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Love Dare Day 1

I read Fire Proof a LONG time ago and also watched the movie and when I read the book I picked up The Love Dare as well. It is a 40 day challenge to help strengthen your relationship. Now, I had decided then that I would complete the Love Dare on my husband and to be honest I never did that because I could NEVER get past Day 1. I have no idea why but it's VERY hard for me to actually get through it. I think the reason is because my husband and I joke around a lot and the things said though we both understand are NOT meant to be hurtful they still defeat the purpose of Day 1! Now with that said this is what it says for Day 1.


Day 1: Love is patient

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

—Ephesians 4:2 NIV

The first part of this dare is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. For the next day, resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It’s better to hold your tongue than to say something you’ll regret

It's sad to say that even though I do NOT mean what I say towards my husband that I do say negative things that really should not be said. I should be able to find better ways to say what I want to say without it just being rude. So, I have decided that tomorrow I will redo Day 1 and see if I have any better luck then I did today! :)

HELLO 2013

Today was the first day to a WHOLE new beginning! :) I am going to be working to take my business to whole new level, working on just about everything in my life. We are finally starting to adjust to being back in the states and to be honest I don't think I could be any happier. Today was the first day of the 30 day Push challenge with Chalene Johnson and I am excited to change my everyday way of doing things. I really would like to keep pushing forward and making a better life for me but also for my family. This month is really a BUSY month, more in the way of getting things going, plus I have TONS of "challenges" and bootcamps going on. All of them of course personal. One of my MAIN goals this year is to keep up with my blog and my FB page DAILY! I want to be able to post everyday or at least every other day. I also want to start making youtube videos BUT I am really nervous about that one so that may take some time. I also need to start really working on my 101 in 1001!! I started it and it's time to REALLY start doing it. It's so easy to make excuses and let things get in the way but its time to STOP doing that and make better choices when it comes to what is REALLY important to me. :) Let's this month FINALLY change A LOT of my habits.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Got lost

Well, we are back in the states and I have been slacking!! I have a lot to write about but I have just been out of it. I am getting back into my whole groove though. Today marks day 1 of working towards my goals! I plan to start using keek and making my own YouTube videos. We started receiving visits from our own elf this year. Her name is Cindy Lou! She's starting to cause a ruckus! :) but I love it. Stay tuned, the plan to keep up has begun!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Almost HOME

We are six days out from leaving Okinawa!!! I am one happy momma! I can NOT wait to see my mom and my dad and of course my other 2 babies, (my other 2 dogs!). I of course have all my weird other reasons why I can't wait to get home. I have all my fun boxes sitting at my mom's house right now waiting for me to open them and play! Not only do I have a few for me but I do have some for the girls and of course some for my four legged babies as well! I will be posting as soon as I get home and get the chance and I will also be starting my youtube channel once I get home! :) Keep an eye for that. I just need to get through until Tuesday when we move into TLF because being in this house still makes me all stressed out because that means we are NOT done with everything yet and that is NOT good. Hurry up 10th!!! :)

LOreal Nail Polish Review

Ok, to start off with I should explain that I <3 data-blogger-escaped-amazing="amazing" data-blogger-escaped-andpainting="andpainting" data-blogger-escaped-br="br" data-blogger-escaped-done="done" data-blogger-escaped-fallen="fallen" data-blogger-escaped-getting="getting" data-blogger-escaped-hate="hate" data-blogger-escaped-have="have" data-blogger-escaped-i="i" data-blogger-escaped-in="in" data-blogger-escaped-is="is" data-blogger-escaped-it="it" data-blogger-escaped-love="love" data-blogger-escaped-my="my" data-blogger-escaped-nail="nail" data-blogger-escaped-nails="nails" data-blogger-escaped-own="own" data-blogger-escaped-polish="polish" data-blogger-escaped-relationship="relationship" data-blogger-escaped-short="short" data-blogger-escaped-so="so" data-blogger-escaped-this="this" data-blogger-escaped-with="with">
Now with that said, I have been in Okinawa for almost 4 years! They really only have Sally Hansen nail polish which lets be honest is 100% ok with me. My ONLY complaint is that I am rough on my nails and they chip very easily! While doing my normal YouTube checkup I saw that nguerriero19 was talking about the new LOreal colors! The color that I want of course we have NOT had here so I wasn't going to buy a color but then I saw "now you sea me" and YES!! It was a total hit! Glad I made the choice to go with it. It's a grey/blue/green color! I'm in LOVE! I have had it on for about 4 days now and I have beat the crap out of my nails packing/moving/cleaning!! They are taking the beating though!!

One picture is of when I first painted them and the other is after 4 days of torture! (Or so I say!) If you are looking for a color that has a bit of a staying power I suggest trying out LOreal! I am very impressed and will be buying more colors as soon as I land in the good ol US of A!! :-)